Saturday, June 20, 2009

What's In A Name!

When I first ‘dabbled’ in the fascinating world of acoustic cleaning technology I did so within my then existing company Sibus. It did not take me long to realise some lessons that I had to learn:
  • I needed to recruit qualified acoustic engineers
  • I needed to seek Government funding in order to develop my ideas
  • I needed to learn as quickly and thoroughly about those industries which would benefit from such innovative technologies
  • I needed to establish a dedicated company with a distinctive name

It has taken over ten years to achieve but we are now the world’s leading company specialising in audiosonic acoustic cleaners. It has been and continues to be a tremendous experience with sales in over 45 countries worldwide – and largely thanks to our unique name - PRIMASONICS®

On the face of it the name simply tells you about us – we are the best (PRIMA) and offer audiosonic cleaning solutions (SONICS).

It is quite a unique name which we have protected by Registered Trademark. The only other ‘competitor’ which comes close is a punk band of the same name which was the subject of one of my previous blogs!

Whilst deciding on a name, obviously I looked at other alternatives, one being Primasound, however I am very glad that I did not choose this name because if you search on Google today for primasound you will find a very mixed bag of results including a German online music shop Primasound and a website about Chakra music Primasounds.

PRIMASONICS® - a great name offering superb solutions in preventing particulate build up and maintaining material flow!