Thursday, July 11, 2013

Taking In The Sights ... and the Silos

Our acoustic cleaning technology is used in many countries far and wide.  I have mentioned before in this blog that the variety of applications for which acoustic cleaners are used and the range of industries that need our products as part of their MPM work means that we are constantly in demand to supply our equipment.

One of the greatest demands comes from the cement industry. It is not surprising therefore that when our Technical Director Alex Bergus travels to conduct a site inspection or installation, a cement plant will often figure on his itinerary.

These photographs were taken by Alex on two entirely different trips, to countries with very different cultures. Yet they share a common theme – colourful local sights .... and silos!

India - away from site, a colourful street in Mumbai

India - on site with PAS-75S acoustic cleaner on a cement silo

Egypt - away from site, camel mounted police at the Great Pyramids

Egypt - on site in the hot sun looking up at a silo

Whilst the landscapes, cities, people, languages and culture that appear on Alex's itinerary may vary, there is one thing for certain .... wherever he goes, if they have cement plants with the all too often associated problems of silo bridging and ratholing, they will have an equal need for the help that our acoustic cleaning technology can offer. Long may it be that we can help this type of plant, wherever it may be ... cement production plays a crucial role in countries being able to develop and improve their infrastructure and thus, hopefully, improve the lives of their people.

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